Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Binding the WPF WebBrowser Source Property

In an MVVM application I am currently creating, I had the need to embed the WPF WebBrowser control and quickly discovered that the Source Property is not a dependancy object, and so cannot be bound.

I quickly search around on StackOverflow.com and found a neat solution in c#;


The VB Version of which is;

   1: Namespace Helpers
   3:     ''' <summary>
   4:     ''' Allows for the Source Property of the WebBrowser to be Bindable to the DataContext
   5:     ''' </summary>
   6:     ''' <remarks></remarks>
   7:     Public Class WebBrowserUtility
   8:         Private Sub New()
   9:         End Sub
  10:         Public Shared ReadOnly BindableSourceProperty As DependencyProperty = DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached("BindableSource", GetType(String), GetType(WebBrowserUtility), New UIPropertyMetadata(Nothing, AddressOf BindableSourcePropertyChanged))
  12:         Public Shared Function GetBindableSource(obj As DependencyObject) As String
  13:             Return DirectCast(obj.GetValue(BindableSourceProperty), String)
  14:         End Function
  16:         Public Shared Sub SetBindableSource(obj As DependencyObject, value As String)
  17:             obj.SetValue(BindableSourceProperty, value)
  18:         End Sub
  20:         Public Shared Sub BindableSourcePropertyChanged(o As DependencyObject, e As DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs)
  21:             Dim browser As WebBrowser = TryCast(o, WebBrowser)
  22:             If browser IsNot Nothing Then
  23:                 Dim uri As String = TryCast(e.NewValue, String)
  24:                 browser.Source = If(uri IsNot Nothing, New Uri(uri), Nothing)
  25:             End If
  26:         End Sub
  27:     End Class
  29: End Namespace

You then use your new Bindable Property in the XAML as;

    xmlns:d="http://schemas.microsoft.com/expression/blend/2008" xmlns:mc="http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/markup-compatibility/2006" mc:Ignorable="d"
    Width="1920" Height="1080" WindowStyle="None" WindowStartupLocation="CenterScreen" WindowState="Maximized" Background="#FF1327D0" Cursor="None">
    <WebBrowser x:Name="wbMain" Helpers:WebBrowserUtility.BindableSource="{Binding KioskWebAddress}" VerticalAlignment="Stretch" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" />

Then simply creating a Property in the DataContext, and setting the source like;

KioskWebAddress = "c:/HTML/index.html"

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